Strategic Framework for a Product Launch - Learning Management System (Case Study) - Part 3

High user engagement within application is vital for building an active user community as discussed in Part 1, this kind of engagement has the potential of resulting in a higher Net Promoter Survey score and thus creating meaningful Brand Equity. In-app engagement can also be used in increasing user retention and referral based new customer acquisitions

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Strategic Framework for a Product Launch - Learning Management System (Case Study) - Part 1

After your developer swipes last drops of sweat off her forehead, and your tester breathes his first sigh of relief, you know your product is market ready, you marketer and graphic designer have been hard at work since last week to develop and tweak all the marketing collateral you need for the launch campaign, and you think you are ready to lift off the veil but your product is more than just lines of shining well-oiled code

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